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* Camping on the Bruce Trail - Lake Huron - July 12-14, 2002
* BBQ at Nika's - July 7, 2002
* Up the CN Tower with Peter - June 30, 2002
* Drum Festival in Queens Park - June 9, 2002
* Lara Comes Back from the UK - April 26, 2002
* Black Mountain with Tomas and Kiho - April 29, 2002
* Biking at Stanley Park - April 29, 2002
* Charlotte's Grad Show - April 27, 2002
* Fire Department at UBC - April 19, 2002
* Misc Toronto - Summer 2002 (Series 1)
* Casa Loma and Spadina House - May 26, 2002
* Middle Island - Toronto - May 4, 2002