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|Chris Nixon || 1 || 1 || 0
|Chris Nixon || 1 || 1 || 0
|Kevin Cartwright || 0 || 2 || 0
|Aryn || 0 || 1 || 1

Revision as of 20:58, 28 May 2007



Manhattan Ulti Team Huck Fund Accounting


  • For your information: you can view this page but can not edit it. This works out since I am the Manhattan Huck Executioner. ;)
  • Please bring toonies to the game. If there is a huck violation then please put them in the huck jar. I will bring it every game.
  • All proceeds will go towards supporting our Manhattan Martini addiction.
Huck Fund Accounting
Player Name W1 W2 No. Paid
Mike 2 0 0
Chris Hayduk 2 3 6
Tedo 1 0 1
Mark 0 0 0
Ash 1 0 1
Carmen 1 0 0
Chris Nixon 1 1 0
Kevin Cartwright 0 2 0
Aryn 0 1 1

What Constitutes A Huck

  • You ask what one needs to do to be able to contribute to this fund? Well any throw that is longer that 30 feet can qualify. Some longer than 30 foot throws may not be considered hucks, therefore, I, as the Huck Executioner, will be responsible, with the help the sideline hecklers, for determining what is and what is not a huck.

Team Fees

  • The following table specifies who has paid and who has yet to pay for their team fees.
Team Fees Accounting
Player Name Paid?
Mike Yes
Carmen Yes
Chris Hayduk Yes
Mercedes Hayduk Yes
Tedo No
Mark Yes
Ash No
Chris Nixon Yes
Sara No
Michelle No
Merc Yes
Kevin No
Aryn Yes
Marty Yes
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